the Covenant
How is it that there could be as many as 2,000,000,000 Christians living today, and by the way, that’s billion with a ‘b’, and yet there are precious few who could tell you anything regarding what a covenant is, how a covenant is entered into, or what the consequences of entering into a covenant are?
There would be even fewer who could give you a reasonably accurate summary of the covenant history between YHWH Messiah Yeshua and Israel and even if they could it would be a traditional view that I am absolutely confident is totally wrong!
And yet these things are vitally important to every person’s faith relationship with Messiah Yeshua! Our Creator, Redeemer and soon coming King is an El of Covenant and there is only one way to have a relationship with Him. That one way is via a functional covenant!
After more than a decade of study directed at understanding the Scriptural concept of marriage, divorce and remarriage my eyes were opened to phenomenal truths regarding the covenantal history and future of the Messiah and His Bride. This understanding rips out the blank page between the TaNaK and Apostolic Writings, it becomes one book with an unbroken story line, a single plan that has been in play since the beginning of Creation! This understanding has the power to unite any open minded Jew and Christian in one faith! Isn't that what the Apostle Paul spoke of in Ephesians 4:4-6?
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you too were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
What you are about to read in ‘The Hebrew Love Story’, should you choose, is an outside the box view which I absolutely believe is the most important series of articles you could possibly read.
I don’t say that because I wrote them, I say that because I honestly believe it to be true.
I say it because I believe it to be true and I know of NO ONE who is saying what I am saying here. Take it for what it’s worth, I know of NO ONE saying these things!
Either I am so far off the mark it’s not even funny and someone should be looking for a straight jacket or I have something wonderful to share with you.
I have earnestly prayed over the years that my ABBA in heaven would bless me with a legacy of restoring my family to the true faith in Messiah Yeshua. ‘The Hebrew Love Story’ represents years of study punctuated with moments of revelation! I believe my prayer has been answered with the potential for that legacy to be realized; the rest is out of my hands.
I have often said,
“There is only one reason a person should want to know me and this is it!”
Writing ‘The Hebrew Love Story’ is the most important thing I have ever done in my life...
...it is the only treasure I have and I would love to share it with you!