Theme Song
A few years ago I met with some friends in Kansas City, Missouri over the Gregorian New Year. While holed up in the hotel we discussed an article I'd written titled, 'The Master's Table ~ The Entry Rite Into THE NEW COVENANT' which is all about understanding the significance of The Lord's Supper! Together we shared The Master's Table, it was a very emotional moment, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. We all understood the significance of what we were doing. It was so completely apropo that this song was shared with me there in the hotel room, I have loved it ever since! At the bottom of the page is a Youtube video link to the song,
I Believe ~ Joshua Waller
There’s a battle raging… over a people and a land
Will you rage with the nations… or will you stand and say
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I believe in the words of the covenant spoken many years ago
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I believe in the words of the covenant spoken many years ago
I believe… and I will stand… yes, I will stand
There’s a line in the sand… where will you stand?
Choice being made… will you stand and say?
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I believe in the words of the covenant spoken many years ago
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I believe in the words of the covenant spoken many years ago
I believe… and I will stand… yes, I will stand
For the Kingdom… for the nation...
You be strong…
For the Kingdom… for the nation...
You be strong…
For the Kingdom… for the nation...
You be strong…
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I believe in the words of the covenant spoken many years ago
I believe… and I will stand… yes, I will stand
There’s a line in the sand… where will you stand?
I love this song! I love the music and especially the words. Let’s use the words of this song as an opportunity to exercise some discernment.
Even though I love this song, chances are the performing artist and myself would have very different perspectives on the reality of the words of the song! I hear the words he sings and think different things than he may have intended for me to think. For example…
He writes…
There’s a battle raging… over a people and a land
A person may assume he is singing of a battle that rages over the Jewish people who live in present day Israel which seems to be reinforced by the video.
However, from my perspective the battle is Spiritual and it is being fought both in the heavens and on Earth and involves much more than just the Jewish people who live in present day Israel.
I wish I didn’t have to say this but from my perspective, although I love the people, I cannot support any allegiance to the flag and government of present day Israel, in my opinion that flag and government are both pagan abominations! I certainly wish that flag had not been so prominently promoted in the video. I am afraid the Jews have pre-empted the exile and have not been led back to the Land of Israel by the Shepherd, Messiah Yeshua. It looks to me like they have bought their way back with Zionist money. That is not a good thing! It makes me wonder how much the battle would be raging if Judah hadn't pre-empted the exile? My guess is the Land of Israel will be purged once more prior to Messiah taking His Bride to His Bridal Chamber.
The nation of biblical Israel is made up of all 12 Tribes of Israel, not just the Jews. While it is true that there is a battle over the land of present day Israel, which is a mere fraction of what the biblical Israel is described as, there is an even larger battle in the future which will restore the full boundary of the biblical borders of Israel to which all 12 Tribes of Israel will return to.
He writes…
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
A person might assume he is speaking of YHWH the Father.
However, from my perspective I would ask, “Who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?” There is no doubt in my mind that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the TaNaK is none other than YHWH Yeshua the Messiah! He… is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Yeshua is the God who spoke to the prophets of Israel all through the TaNaK.
He writes…
I believe in the words of the covenant spoken many years ago
These words of the song are my favorite part, I am only beginning to understand the context and relativity of them. It is just dawning on me the importance of the motive behind my keeping of the words of the covenant spoken many years ago. I am humbled by the opening of my mind to these truths. When Moses says he is making a covenant not only with those who stood before him but with those who were not there I realize he is talking directly to me! (Deuteronomy 30)
One song and yet multiple differences in perspective!
Who are the people of Israel?
What is the land of Israel?
Who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
What are the words of the covenant spoken many years ago?
Isn’t it interesting how the very same words of the song can be interpreted so differently!
The very purpose of this website is to help you understand this different perspective. I’m confident that this perspective is utterly foundational to a salvific faith in the sense of who becomes The Bride of Messiah Yeshua.
Get the perspective right and I will say…
I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I believe in the words of the covenant spoken many years ago
I believe… and I will stand… yes, I will stand
There’s a line in the sand… where will you stand?
I pray you will purpose yourself to find the time to study this website.
The website itself is small; the consequences are HUGE!